Natural Healing Resources is the focus of the fifth topic of this website. This topic page includes numerous components (from top to bottom). Included are natural healing modalities, healing techniques, Alison’s Apothecary, featured products, product sources, and educational resources.
Natural Healing Modalities Natural healing modalities are the first component of the fifth website topic. In fact, these components are (Eastern) traditional techniques in contrast to the current dominant system known as (Western civilization) modern mainstream medicine.
Eastern Traditional Healing Techniques Some of these techniques have histories that are many thousands of years old(1). Although today’s mainstream medical technology prefers to refer to traditional medical techniques as CAM (complementary and alternative medicine)(2), the ancient methods are truly the well documented, respected traditional techniques. They include Traditional Chinese Medicine(3) and Ayurvedic Medicine(4).
herbal medicine from Shutterstock.comTraditional healing resources are not just complementary or alternative. Instead, the widespread mainstream medical modalities are the complements or alternatives to the much longer history of traditional medicine.
Although invaluable and with a crucial place in health and healing, global modern medical techniques have a relatively very short history as the predominent modality. In fact, most of its widespread, well documented history dates back to the 1800’s.(2)
(1) History of Medicine
(2) The History of Modern Medicine
(3) The New York School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(4) The Ayurvedic Institute
Alison’s Apothecary now appears on its own page. Click on the title to go to it.