
This Website is composed of Seven Website Topics. These Seven website topics comprise my life’s work. They can be viewed here from both a Western learning perspective (topics 1-6) as well as the correlating (Eastern Energy) or Chakra perspective (topic 7).

My reason for doing this is to compare each Western educational project with its Eastern counterpart. In other words, this site presents both a Western and an Eastern approach to the seven website topics. Refer to the Consciousness & Spirituality page for details.
Each topic is described on its own website page. Specifically, the seven website topics are each a subdivision of this major division page, seven website topics. Additionally two pages have subdivision pages. In order to view them, click on the chevron (downward pointing arrow) next to the topics link at the top of this page or on the links directly below.
Finance & Survival
Healthy Food & Beverages
Decorative Art & Design
Entertainment & Education
Natural Healing Resources
Digital Technology
Consciousness & Spirituality
In addition, current activities, events, and new concepts related to the original seven website topics are also featured on the ADG Blog. I have been writing my blog since 2013 and have contributed to the blog for Digital Brand Marketing Education, as well.
The reason for the correlation between Western and Eastern perspectives is to provide the widest range of understanding that learners may have. To provide this, here is a seven Chakra diagram illustrating this correlation.



In fact, it shows how the topics flow like energy through the seven chakras. Consequently, this even confirmed that my topic progression has a spiritual correlation. Therefore, one can comfortably explore an Eastern or Spiritual approach to my seven website topics.


Only in retrospect, did I realized that I am a cultural historian. In addition to that, I realized that each cultural project of the seven website topics had a spiritual correlation.