My Bilt Mastercard imploded rather than earned points about a month or so after I received it. As advertised, the goal is to accumulate enough points to help pay rent as well as receive other benefits. But the opposite occurred.My BILT Mastercard Imploded
When I first discovered it, I wondered if I might not fit into the targeted demographics. But the BILT website was so appealing. It offered all kinds of irresistible perks that I couldn’t resist.
Beware Temptations But the following inconsistencies were a concern. Seniors my age usually don’t pay rent. Owning a home or other property is more likely. In addition, an older person might not belong to a youth oriented fitness club. Also, a vacation might not be the priority for a senior needing to reduce their rent payment.
BILT Mastercard fitness features
So Why Did I Persist? Other details about the practicality of the BILT Mastercard should have stopped me in my tracks. For instance, within a week of receiving the card, the company’s phone system went on the blink. So communication was limited to electronic means only. As a result, the important questions I needed immediate answers to did not get answered.
Travel points are featured on
One Solution Leads to Another Problem Once live communication resumed, I found that my calls went to a very noisy call center. Specifically there were several operators yelling over each other to the customers all at once. As a result, I could not hear my operator. But I did hear all the other operators yelling at their customers instead.
Antique switch board from
When to Charge, Then How to Pay? The next problem occured when I did use the card to charge purchases. I thought that I was billed more than once for the same items. In other words almost $1500 extra. As a result, I had to leverage and pay a $30. stop payments on my credit card assigned to bill payment.
Penalty Rather Than Payment Therefore, because of the $1500 discrepancy, I had to put a stop payment of $30. against the account that only earned $22 the month before. Eventually that fee was waived. But until then, I had to pay for being a BILT card carrier rather than earning points towards any featured luxuries.
Points can be used for hotel stays
Misleading Glamour Actually the promotions on the website were quite glamorous which made the BILT Mastercard very tempting. But the shock was that the point earned to payment ratio pathetic. In fact I was crushed when I learned that 1000 point only equalled $11. It would take forever to realize my needs, dreams, as well as desires.
Ultimately I had to stop all payments to the payments credit card. Therefore I now have the additional challenge of paying my BILT Mastercard charges on time.
The BILT Collection offered as part of BILT
Confusion So far, I still get very confused whether to charge purchases with the BILT Mastercard or make payments for them with my checking account. As a result, I received the following notice on my account online.
Temporary restriction imposed by Bilt Mastercard
After my inquiry, I immediately forgot how to charge something rather than where to pay for it. I repeatedly found this to be a confusing low paying, time wasting program.
The BILT Rewards Mastercard is probably the worst credit card I ever signed up for. For example, it is misleading and very hard to follow. Specifically, I have had many problems with the bookkeeping aspect of it. In fact, I have spend so much time and gotten so little in return.
Therefore as soon as this card is paid off, I will close it. As a result, it will no longer be part of my credit card wallet. In addition, I do not recommend that anyone else sign up for it. This is because all that glitters is not gold. Thus this one will tarnish very quickly. So beware and be forewarned, consumer.
The BILT Mastercard from Wells Fargo to help pay rent
The BILT MasterCard from Wells Fargo is one of the latest point earner credit cards. In fact it is a unique new comer to the credit card scene. It is designed to earn points towards paying rent.
I actually found out about it from the Wallet Hacks blog and my favorite financial guru, James Wang. For this and the below reasons I decided to give it a try. Lately paying my bills has become a serious challenge:
• our rent has gone up substantially
• our SNAP benefits have gone down sharply
I have a history of benefiting from credit card promotions. So I figured this might help also. To my frustration and disappointment, this card was not easy to use. It didn’t help that the BILT phone system was not working. So all my questions had to wait until their system was up and running again.
Once the phone system was working, I called only to learn that it took 1000 point to earn $5.50. Actually I was shocked. In fact, I considered dumping the card. But then I decided to give it some time to see if there were benefits that were not readily apparent.
A credit card that lets you earn point on rent.
CURRENT STATUS So far we have earned 2000 points since we opened the card at the end of July. Since we are managing to squeeze by in paying all our upcoming bills for September, I am holding on to the $11. in earned points for now.
In fact, I want to keep accumulating points for now as long as we can get by without using them. I’m waiting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when a substantial part of the rent is covered by my new BILT Mastercard. But for now it will be like keeping my savings under my mattress.
our account showing the accumulation of 2000 points