The Poor Middle Class Crisis is real and it is serious. This Financial Survival Resource Guide can help individuals and families alleviate the effects of the Poor Middle Class Crisis. The guide consists of a series of blog posts. The goals of this Financial Survival Resource Guide are:1. to make people aware of tools to help build a financial survival toolkit
2. to encourage people to form ‘financial survival support groups’ or communities with other poor middle class people
3. to share our experience in the day-to-day survival as poor middle class people to give other people hope for survival
At this time, the guide is a series of blog posts written by me for people like me, the poor middle class. This post is an overview that introduces all of the blog posts in this guide. Because I am a visual person and I love tool boxes, I am using this great lime green tool storage box as the storage box for my ‘Financial Survival Toolkit’.
Each blog post title is an underlined link to the post itself. Click on it to view a post that interests you. They include:Part 1: The Poor Middle Class Crisis
Part 2: A Budget Is A Crucial Financial Survival Tool For The Poor Middle Class
Part 4: More About Poor Middle Class Financial Survival Tools
Part 5: Poor Middle Class Thrifty Shopping Tools
Part 6: The Poor Middle Class Housing Crisis
Part 7: Poor Middle Class Housing Alternatives
Part 8: Poor Middle Class Affordable Housing
Part 9: Alternative Living Resources
Franklin Caravan Renovation Project
Part 10: The US Homeless Housing Crisis
Part 11: The Poor Middle Class Nutrition Crisis
Part 12: The Poor Middle Class Healthcare Insurance Crisis
Part 13: Our Story: One Day From Homeless
is under construction.
Sources & Resources*
The Viper Tool Storage Company
A Facebook group called, The Poor Middle Class Crisis
A Facebook Group Called, Next Level Minimalism
*All other sources and resources are within the blog posts themselves.