Plant based fried chicken in The Happy Pig’s Clucket Bucket(TM) >and all its other portion packages is absolutely delicious.
In fact, it is as good as any fried chicken I have ever tasted, animal or plant based. Actually, it’s even better. So be sure to find out all the ways you can purchase it.
A Review Plus
The spicing is perfect. In addition, one would never know by the taste that this is a plant based rather than a chicken based product.
But, this is not only a Happy Pig’s plant based fried chicken review. But it is also an acknowledgement of a fantastic plant-based product that I am delighted to eat as well as write about.
My social life began again last weekend after a long, barren winter. The past season was devoid of social activity due to to continued concerns about COVID. As a result, the spring and the Farmers Market season have come as an especially welcome time. To add to that, the find of a new product, The Happy Pig’s Plant Based Fried Chicken makes it extra special.

The sample packet I received is not the usual selling portion. In fact it was a complementary sample. Actually, the plant based fried chicken and other products have been part of the circuit of growing Nassau County based food trucks.

On Social Media, But Nowhere To Be Found
So when I went to the same farmers market this past weekend, plant based fried chicken was nowhere to be found. I was challenged by another mystery and another ‘amateur detective’ project.
It had to start somewhere. So, their website was the obvious place to start my search. But I found no Farmers Market schedule on it. Instead are these social media links:

Yelp Review
Now Where?
A good detective does not give up. Since I earned my Ace-Detective badge from my favorite call-in music radio show, I have an obligation to solve the mystery of where, when, and how to get more of this amazing plant-based-fried-chicken.
Plant based fried chicken cutlets from ‘The Happy Pig’
There is a saying, ‘when all else fails, read the directions’. In this case, all the social media sources and resources did not yield a solution, except one. This one was a phone number on the website. Since my writing started very early in the morning, I did not call it. But when a reasonable time came, I did call. Alas, Wendy Ann Lantigua, the owner of the company answered.
During our delightful conversation, I learned the following:
• Wendy was about to update the website providing additional information.
• She attends the Malverne, LI Farmers Market whenever possible.
• Delivery will be available. There is a $5. charge.
• The food truck has been sold.
Most importantly, I certainly would have enough options to get more of this amazing plant-based fried chicken. Just to be certain, I added this healthy, delicious resource to my own healthy food source and resource list on the Healthy Food Systems Page
All photos about The Happy Pig’s Clucket Bucket are © Little Kitchen Creations By Wendy LLC