Alison’s Apothecary

Alison's Apothecary ©2025 Published by Alison D. Gilbert.

It all started with the sensitivities I developed from eating the Standard American Diet. This included my adverse reactions as well as sensitivities to prescription medication. These issues therefore lead me on a search for more natural foods, a green planet consciousness, an interest in traditional medicines like Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda (Indian) and Five Elements (Chinese), as well as other out of the mainstream, holistic products and traditional services with very long histories for healing.

Alison's South Shore Guide to Health ©1991 Alison D. Gilbert

My interests have become even more focused on these types of products and services. In addition, what is available in this realm continues to increase. As a result, the type of information in the 1991 South Shore Directory is even more relevant and needed to be expanded.

Since the 1991 directory is out of print, a new directory is necessary. Besides that a paper document is limited. Thanks to digital communication, the new directory Alison's Apothecary, can be online. Fortunately an up-to-date version is now on my website and available for everyone to use. There is no limit to how much information can be available. Updates are also very simple and always necessary as the body of knowledge continues to grow.

1987 Pink Flyer
The first EAT FREE hand drawn flyer by Alison D. Gilbert ©1987.
Over the last 50 years, I have taken an interest and explored natural/healthy products and services as a way of life.
Alison's Apothecary is the resurrection, update, and expansion of the guide I published in 1991, Alison's South Shore Guide to Health.

If you do not see a topic, product or service that you are interested in, please contact the publisher. A suggestion search for a solution will be made for you if possible.

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