Almond milk is a great alternative for those who don’t tolerate dairy. This simple DIY recipe is delicious and doesn’t have harmful ingredients like store-bought versions.
I made this recipe for almond milk with some slight variations. It is absolutely delicious but was a tremendous amount of work. I used almond meal and had to strain my liquid several times. That was arduous and my back is so sore.
This comment, ‘Do not eat animals, take care of them instead’, comes from three year old Luiz Antonio and is explained by him in this video.
I think he would be delighted to see this field of quinoa, one of nature’s super foods, bountiful and beautiful.
Luiz Antonio is considered one of the rainbow children. Rainbow children are explained in the link provided. For those who question or wonder if we are evolving in consciousness, this post is a very interesting study.
According to Doreen Virtue’s, there are three levels of children on the earth today who have evolved consciousness, rainbow children, crystal children and indigo children. People who are familiar with these children would not be surprised to hear a three year old say, ‘Do not Eat Animals, Take Care of Them’.
To eat meat or not to eat meat is an age-old discussion between omnivores and various types of non-meat eaters. Documentation about meat consumption is provided in this post by The United Nations has been in the forefront of discussions, suggestions and endorsements about various foods of late. A post from included a video featuring Stephen Colbert and the suggested ‘UN endorsed bugs for protein diet’ or comically called mini-livestock.
Another more palatable and much less controversial declaration has been made by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, ‘International Year of the Quinoa IYQ-2013’. I plan to get into a much more in-depth conversation about ‘super foods’ like quinoa in future posts.
For now, enjoy this post and the accompanying Alison*s Art Online Magazines, at right. Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments area.