My mother’s six week trip around the world included a ride on an elephant in India.
When I was fourteen years old, my mother took a trip around the world. It actually lasted six weeks. Unlike our move to Italy that lasted for an entire school year, we kids did not go on this adventure. In addition I think she would have gone for longer if circumstances were different.
The group tour was originally designed to include Asia and the Far East. But due to unrest between Russia and the United States, the trip took a detour to central Europe. Instead of going to Russia, she and her traveling companion went to Paris. I doubt my mother was very disappointed. That was because her favorite city in the world was Paris.
Start the Tour
Real Hawaii but canned pineapple juice.
But let me not get ahead of myself. The first stop on my mother’s trip around the world was Hawaii. Actually that tropical paradise did not impress her. I remember her commenting about getting canned not fresh pineapple juice. That experience crossed Hawaii off her pleasure list.
On to Asia
The years erased trinkets and photos from our family possessions. But memories do exist. I remember photos of my mother in Japan with cherry blossoms and Japanese temples. Unfortunately gone from from my jewelry box, I also remember a turquoise ring from Thailand.
A stock photo of cherry blossoms and temples from
Clearly this trip made nowhere near the impression on me that our family experience in Italy made. What stayed was the impression of my mother’s absence rather than our inclusion on an International trip.
The Conclusion in Paris
Hermes silk scarf
The cherry on the top of my mother’s trip-around-the world was the last minute detour to Paris. That was the real treat for my mother: Hermes, The Eifel Tower, Escargo.