10 Healthiest Foods on The Planet

Ten (of the) healthiest foods on the planet, according to a Banoosh.com article, are salmon, eggs, berries, bananas, spinach, brocolli, shitake mushrooms, sweet potato, tumeric and tomatoes. Here is a visual sampling of the article. The image above and the slideshow images are all from the Banoosh.com article.

There are many other resources about healthy food and, of course, many other equally as healthy foods to choose from.

For more information, explore the resources mentioned in ‘Ten Healthiest Foods’, as well as on Alison*s Art FOOD page. The food page of this website offers some background into my personal journey and evolution in the way I eat.

Visit the HEALTHY FOOD category of this website for lots more articles about healthy eating. The link is above this article. It is the green bar labeled HEALTHY FOOD. Here is what the three category bars look like with a link on each bar.

category bars

You can also visit our three facebook pages about food and eating. Pictured below, they are as follows, Alison*s Eat Free Earth, Alisons FOOD Heirloom Project and The Food rEvolution, a food journey from personal to political.

Alison's 'Eat Free' Earth fb page
Alison’s ‘Eat Free’ Earth: How It All Began
Alisons Food Heirloom Project
Alisons Food Heirloom Project: Where Things Are Now
the food rEvolution
The Food rEvolution: A Personal Food Journey That Has Become A Political Nightmare

We welcome your questions, insights and suggestions about this article and the topic of food in general. Looking forward to hearing from you, soon.

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