8 Things You Should Know About Memorial Day – Edudemic

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“Today is Memorial Day in the US. For many, it signals the beginning of the ‘summer’ season (and the ability to wear white pants without getting grief from your mother, in many cases). It also means that most everyone has the day off and is enjoying it with some leisure time, and not by sitting at their computer reading Edudemic. The handy infographic below takes a look at some interesting facts and figures about Memorial Day. So enjoy a leisurely day, and keep reading to learn more!”

Alison D. Gilbert‘s insight:

Too many people have no idea what Memorial Day stands for other than it gives us another three day weekend to relax, celebrate and BBQ. Here’s a post, with Infographic, that illustrates important facts about this day of honoring those who died in war.

See on www.edudemic.com

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