Guernsey Lily remedy from Channel Isle Flower Remedies

Flower Essences are intrinsic to holistic healing modalities. They are used for emotional healing.

The first known ‘modern’ company to produce flower essences or remedies, part of the vibrational medicine system, was the Bach Flower Company. It was started by Edward Bach in the Uk about 75 years ago. The value of the remedies for healing was based on an inside-out rather than an outside-in disease process. Bach believed that disease starts as dis-ease. If an emotional issue could be dealt with at that level, disease might be avoidable.

His process for identifying which flower was right for which emotional imbalance was never recorded it. There are many other companies that emerged all over the world since then. They were based on Bach’s theory but not his system. No other company or person could corroborate with Bach’s conclusions.

The theory goes something like this. The vibrational ‘personality’ of a flower could be transfered to water when the flower was left on top of water in sunlight. How Bach figured out which flower had what personality is unknown. Fortunately others did uncovered it after much time and experimentation.

Today one can choose from tropical flower essences to Alaskan. They are truly available worldwide. The essences are preserved in alcohol, once the ‘personality’ is imbued into the water. For purposes of storage and then sales, the liquid is transferred to small dropper bottles. The liquid is consumed a few drops at a time over the course of the day. One tends to know when the remedy is no longer necessary by the improvement in emotional state.

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Vegan Chicken Soup

VEGAN CHICKEN SOUP: Relief in minutes

Vegan chicken soup in progress. Takes minutes to make, tastes great and works wonders.
Vegan chicken soup in progress. Takes minutes to make, tastes great and works wonders.
My husband just turned 67 yesterday. You’d never know it by his appearance. He has the face of a kid, well a fifty something kid. He is actually in school preparing for a new career. You may wonder why I am mentioning all of this. It sets the stage for this post, ‘vegan chicken soup’.

Well, my husband woke up sneezing and tired, after a full day of school yesterday. I had to do something to help him feel better. So I went to my mental medicine cabinet of folk remedies.

It is amazing how much money people spend in the drug store for all sorts of patent medicines when the traditional remedies cost pennies and work wonders. Hot water is the base of almost every remedy including the patent, over the counter cold cures.

I filled the tea kettle and let the water get good and hot while I grated some ginger and squeezed some lemon juice from organic lemons. I went to my medicine cabinet (the hand painted on that was my grandmother’s jelly cabinet) to get the echinacea/golden seal drops.

You pretty much have the process of the recipe from my description. Here is a list of the ingredients.

• At least two cups of hot water, good and hot, not necessarily boiling

• 1 inch of fresh (preferably organic) ginger, grated or cut into tiny pieces

• the juice of 1/2 lemon (preferably organic)

• a dropper full of echinacea/goldenseal liquid extract (drops) either with alcohol or alcohol free depending on your preference

By the time the water is good and hot, all the other ingredients are prepared. Drink at least two cups, rest (if possible) stay warm, eat alkaline foods and feel better soon.

• What is vegan food
• my hand painted medicine cabinet
• an alkaline diet

Send in your questions and suggestions. I am eager to hear what you think and what you want to know. Just keep one thing in mind. This post is for informational purposes only. I do not diagnose or prescribe. See a professional health practitioner for any concerns you might have.

You can read more about ART | FOOD | HEALING in the right column on Alison*s Art Online Magazines from Rebelmouse and paper.li

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