Follow the Honey: 7 Ways Pesticide Companies are Spinning the Bee Crisis to Protect Profits – Food Revolution Network

Michele Simon was a speaker in the 2012 Food Revolution Summit. Recently she released a report, produced in tandem with Friends Of the Earth, to bring attention to the dire situation of declining bee populations caused by pesticides. You can find the report here, and read a summary below. If you like to eat, then you should care about what’s happening to bees. Did you know that two-thirds of our food crops require pollination – the very foods that we rely on for healthy eating – such as apples, berries, and almonds, just to name a few. That’s why the serious declines in bee populations are getting more attention, with entire campaigns devoted to saving bees. A strong and growing body of evidence points to exposure to a class of neurotoxic pesticides called neonicotinoids—the fastest-growing and most widely used class of synthetic pesticides—as a key contrib­uting factor to bee declines. The European Union banned the three most widely used


Transparency is so necessary in the food and pesticide industries.


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