Favorite food shopping is very easy and convenient for me.
That is because the stores I love that carry the foods I love are right in my neighborhood. Otherwise, I can always get most things on Amazon.com, quickly and at a discount like my favorite Frankies 457 Court St (Brooklyn) olive oil. But let’s stay in my neighborhood, for now.
Google map of the locations of the stores highlighted in this blog post
Ethnic Food Is My Preference. In fact, I prefer it to most American food. Fortunately there is enough of what I like. Therefore I can minimize my intake of the Standard American Diet. Instead, I can indulge in international, gourmet products I love at a discount.
Gala Fresh Farms4>
There are so many delicacies right here at Gala Fresh Farms in Baldwin that I can’t name them all. So I will focus on two of my most favorites. In fact, here’s a picture of them. My favorite Vantia Food Products imported from Italy and available at @GalaFreshFarms
Anchovies and Cheese Both are so mouth wateringly delicious. The anchovies are actually only lightly salted, even sweet. Therefore, I can enjoy their flavor without getting a mouthful of salt.
In contrast with their wonderful mild flavor is the spicy Italian Primo Sale Fantasia sheep cheese. Olives, arugula, and red pepper are a great addition to the robust flavor of this cheese gem. By the way, the store carries fresh semolina bread to make these choices a complete meal.
Home Goods
This addition to the neighborhood has been a spectacular success. Actually before it become HomeGoods, Rockville Centre NY, there was a less than successful supermarket. How grateful everyone is for the upgrade. In fact, it has made a world of difference to shopping in town.
Cerignola Olives and Lupini Beans Here are two set of my favorite treats from Home Goods. That is to say, first my favorite Italian salty vegetable snacks. In fact, there is nothing healthier when I am in the mood for a salty even astringent taste. Actually the border of this post is a row of bowls of red and green cerignola olives.
A jar of my favorite Bella Contadina cerignola olives and a jar of the same brand of lupini beans
Baklava and Turkish Delight Next I present my favorite Greek sweet treats. Baklava is nutty and sweetened by honey so it it not too sweet. In addition, turkish delight is chewy, tasty but not to sweet either.
My two favorite Greek sweets both available at Home Goods.
Your appetite must certainly be wetted by now. In fact, this was just a very brief introduction. So take a gastronomic tour of Rockville Centre/Oceanside/Baldwin Long Island or your own neighborhood. What was once homogenous middle class neighborhoods have become much more gastronomically diverse and delicious. In conclusion living in the suburbs can include favorite food shopping experiences.