Why would anyone be curious about an Elvis Presley psychological profile? He was without a doubt one of the most talented singers of our time (with a voice compared to Mario Lanza) as well as a phenomenal performer both on screen and in person. Also, let's not forget his 'god-like' appearance as one fan remembers.

In addition, he earned more money than the greatest movie stars of our time including actors like Steve McQueen, Gregory Peck and even Cary Grant.
On the surface, he seemed to have everything. His posthumous wealth was staggering, said to be in the hundreds of millions.

But scratch the glittering surfaces of those pink and purple Cadillacs just the slightest bit to reveal a very different persona. In fact this other part of Elvis comes bursting out at times like a volcano. Besides that, even he admitted to being two entities. One was the public/performer and the other was the real life private person.
For this reason, an Elvis Presley psychological profile begs to be drawn even if informally after watching the following films and documentaries:
• Return of the King, The Fall and Rise of Elvis (a documentary) 2024
• Loving Elvis (a documentary) 2023
• The Evils Surrounding Elvis (2023) FULL DOCUMENTARY
• Elvis Presley (a movie starring Austin Butler as Elvis and Tom Hanks as Colonel Parker) 2022

A Lay Person's Diagnosis My unofficial diagnosis leads to shocking profile results. In fact, he appears to have exhibited classic bipolar (or manic depressive) behavior with following components:
• extreme sexual and hyper physical activity
• excessive spending
• drugs and alcohol abuse
• bouts of depression and loneliness
• sudden bursts of anger, even fits of violence
What should have been or could have been a dream life, becomes a nightmare. It included so many issues, both mental and physical as detailed in this documentary.
These included his need to control the women in his life as well as having more than one woman at a time in his life. He could not be monogamous with any woman, not even his wife, he admitted.
Also in later years, he could not be left alone. Someone always was supposed to be awake to watch over him when he was supposed to be asleep. Ultimately the schedule of everyone who worked for him revolved around his. This meant sleeping when he slept, awake when he was awake and ready to work any time day or night that he chose.
Those closest to him had to deal with his overdoses and numerous serious increasing health problems. All in all, his story's conclusion was not a happy one. As one historian said, if only his life could have ended on a happy note like how Elvis felt at the end of the 1968 TV Comeback Special. His performance was magnificent. In addition, he was truly himself and he really felt free.
But unfortunately, this euphoria did not last. He continued to suffer under the manipulative thumb of Colonel Parker. Specifically Parker demanding Elvis perform live endlessly for five years in Las Vegas. Some of his close friends known as the Memphis Mafia believed he could over come negative affects from the demanding schedule imposed by his manager.
But some knew that this was killing him. Actually, Elvis did die on August 16, 1977 at only 42 years old. In spite of what some wished, his physicality was not immortal. But his memory truly does live on.
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