Okabashi is the name of my latest favorite healthy brands of shoes. Actually the name is inspired by the Japanese concept of wellness. As a matter of fact, I have worn several brands of healthy shoes over many decades over my lifetime to date.
My three favorite healthy brands of shoes all available on Poshmark.com
The three brands of healthy shoes are specifically Birkenstocks, Merrell Encore Breeze clogs, and Okabashi. As much as I love all three brands, Okabashi shoes are the most unique in of all of them for the following reasons.
Okabashi Intro
1. made in the USA
2. easy care
3. are eco-friendly
4. are very reasonably priced
The introduction to the concept of Okabashi shoes from their website Okabshi.com
Birkenstocks from the Past
Let me just mention briefly that I no long wear Birkenstocks for one reason. One pair that I got caused a callous on the outside of my foot. As a result, they never were comfortable. The callous took years to soften, as well. Although I am sure they would be fine now, I wanted to try other brands. But I see they are on Poshmark.com and much more affordable now, too.
These six pairs show the latest styles of Birkenstocks.
Merrell Encore Breeze Clogs Abound
This brand and style are still an integral part of my wardrobe. Actually a recent buying spree resulted in several very affordable additional pairs for me. Read about this on my blog entitled, Poshmark Fair Prices.
These six pairs of shoes show the latest colors of Merrell Encore Breeze clogs.
Okabashi Revealed
I have purposely waited to reveal the appearance of these shoes until they end. That is because I wanted my readers to be surprised. Besides all the benefits mentioned at the beginning of this post, they are very attractive. In addition, they come in great colors. So here they are. Besides an image, here is the website too, okabashi.com.