Traditional stainless steel Celtic knot Kladdagh ring from
Vintage costume jewelry has always been my preference over precious and even semi-precious stone jewelry.
For example, I am not a fan of the diamond engagement ring. In addition whenever family jewelry needed dividing between siblings, an ordeal followed.
Therefore, I am perfectly happy with what I collect now. In fact, I prefer to make my purchases from the second vintage category for very reasonable prices.
Most recently I am being creative with a project called ‘The Be Jeweled Collection of Handbags and Accessories’. As part of this project, I am making use of collectible handbags and vintage jewelry. At last I have a way for these things to stop gathering dust. They also are looking rather artistic while still wearable.
English Bone ChinaOrange Laura Ashley straw bag with bone chine brooch decor
I am also learning about various categories of vintage costume jewelry. A very popular vintage category is English bone china brooches.
Since they are so delicate, they tend to have small chips on them. Due to that I do not mind using them as decor on handbags rather than as brooches. Learn more about the history of bone china brooches at this link.
English bone china brooch by Stafforshire (top row second from left belowEnglish bone china brooches from Yahoo
Enameled Metal Another very popular combination of materials is enameled metal or molded steel with enamel paint. The technique and the look are very different from bone china. There is a simplicity and affordability to this jewelry that contrasts previous conservative ornate styles. Most enamel metal brooches are based on a daisy but in very bright, simple colors.(2)
In fact this generation of jewelry is termed ‘flower power’ by beatnick Allen Ginsberg. Designer Mary Quant is the poster girl for this period. Most impressive is the artwork by Andy Warhowl that represents this period, the 1960s. Besides these details there is no documentation of the period’s majority of designers or manufacturers.(1) Instead, as a reference one seller describes them in the following way.
Retro vibrant enameled floral brooch popular in the mid 1900’s is available on ebay.Vibrant colored enamel metal brooches is from mid 1900’s and available on ebay
More about Vintage Costume Jewelry
A simple and very typical enameled metal brooch festoons a light green purse, designer unnamed
At left is an example of an enamel metal brooch on a purse from an unnamed designer.
In fact, this daisy brooch is one of the most popular designs made. It is available in all kinds of color combinations and can be purchased at ebay online(2).
Next are examples of Russian folk art known as Palekh lacquer miniatures. The top one is a rectangular box. Another is a round box. The third is a brooch. Note that the larger box and the brooch are signed and in excellent condition(3).
Below is a purse with a single Russian pin for focus and emphasis.
Handbag with Russian Lacquer PinContrast and complement are shown here of a Stuart Weitzman(4) purse with a lacquered pin