My purpose in writing this flower pins blog post is to introduce my system of documentation and identification to everyone interested in flower pins. In table format below, this charting is called VINTAGE COSTUME FLOWER PINS.

chart 12:29:24
The Vintage Costume Flower Pin Chart ©2024 designed by Alison D. Gilbert and Illustrated by Phil Jacobs

Previously there was no existing, consistent written documentation until now for the entire genre of these wonderful collectibles (flower power pins). As a result for the first time in history, this system can at long last provide a universal language for just about every (vintage costume jewelry) 'flower pin' ever made.

In providing this system for admirers, collectors, and sellers alike, a consistent form of identifying flower pins for the entire genre of vintage costume flower pins is now available.

In other words, the results of my extensive research has resulted in a system to identify and classify (just about every) vintage costume flower pin ever made. This following explains how my system works.

The structure of this system consists of two divisions, as well as 6 + 4 (and more) categories. In addition this post includes definitions, descriptions, and photos where available. The table above charts the structure of this system to provide a visual description.

To summarize in verbal terms, there are two divisions of vintage costume flower pins created primarily around the second half of the 20th century, i.e. DIVISION ONE (anonymous) and DIVISION TWO (identified). Within the Division One categories, there are six categories and many more possibilities within the Division Two categories.

Two divisions provide a contextual umbrella for the entire topic of 'flower pins'. But only DIVISION ONE pins make up the SIX CATEGORIES of anonymous 'flower power pins'. They are:

#5-3D daisies
from Southwest Picks on ebay
A. FLOWER POWER PINS-The six categories of 'flower power pins' defined and categorized below.

FLOWER POWER PINS Anonymous flower pins made of molded metal decorated in bright enamel colors made primarily in the 1960s and 1970s.
1. Original/classic
2. Derivative/
3. Embellished
4. POP Art
5. 3D/global
6. Multi-flower


1. Original/classic-one and two layer daisy flower petals pins with same material center with or without stem
flower pin varieties

2. Derivatives-amorphous metal petal/layers pins

derivative pins
Single layer derivative flower pins

polka dot pins
A collection of six polka dot derivative pins

3. Embellished-several metal daisy layer pins with another shape layer and a center of another material or color

A collection of 6 embellished flower pins

4. POP Art-amorphous shape pins
No samples available at this time.

5. 3D Three Dimensional/Global

#5 orange
This is a 3 dimensional Orange Flower Brooch pin

6. Multi-flower Flower pin

A multi flower power pin available on etsy









B. FLOWER PINS OR BROOCHES-Identified/signed flower pins made primarily of metal, enamel paint, rhinestones or Swarovski crystals, and synthetic fiber.

1. Samples from the Collections of Lenora Dame.

Lenora Dame pins
A collection of early Lenora Dame flower pins.

Flower Pins or Brooches-Identified/designer flower pins made of metal, enamel paint, and rhinestone or Swarofski crystals stones.

2. Samples from the Collections of Liz Palacios

A group of three magnificent Liz Palacios brooches.

More Flower Pins or Brooches-Identified/designer flower pins made of metal, wood, or Dynel (a synthetic material), enamel paint or dye, and even rhinestone.

3. Miriam Haskell

MH-wooden acorn pin
MIRIAM HASKELL Hess natural & dyed wooden bead acorns pin.












4. Hattie Carnegie (Examples are not available at this time).

5. Many Other Jewelers

There are two major divisions of flower pins. Division One include six flower power pin categories listed immediately below.

A. Anonymous-flower power pins
1. Original/classic
2. Derivative
3. Embellished
4. POP Art
5. 3D
6. Multi-flower

There is an limitless number of flower pins/jewelers who are listed below that.

B. Identified/signed-flower pins or brooches
1. Lenora Dame
2. Liz Palacios
3. Miriam Haskell
4. Many Other Jewelers

Not A Flower Power Pin
Swarovski Crystals
Flower Pin Creation
Hattie Carnegie Pins

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Beyond Flower Power Pins

Lenora Dame brooch
This Lenora Dame brooch and the Liz Palacios brooch look a lot like each other. Owned by author.

At this point, we can only go forward beyond flower power pins. If a pin design is marked and identifiable, it qualifies as beyond a flower power pin. Past blog posts have identified them. For example the Lenora Dame Studio, early brooch qualifies as such.

And now I have discovered Liz Palacios of San Francisco and pins that also qualify. They are below.

Liz Palacios Pin
This is a sample of a Liz Palacios pin. It looks very similar to both a Flower Power Pin and the Lenora Dame pin below. Owned by author.

This is the first pin by Liz Palacios I found that is similar to a flower power pin. In fact, it does look very much like an early Lenora Dame brooch.

Similarities and Differences These two magnificent brooches have both strong similarities and some differences. Both are similar to flower power pins with their daisy pattern. They are decorated in lustrous bright colors with a jewel center.

The former has three layers of petals. The latter has two. There are no holes in the Palacios petals. But there are in the Lenora Dame first layer of petals. In fact these two magnificent brooches are similar enough to be mistaken as designed by the same artist. But they are not!

More Identified Flower Pins Here are some additional flower pins by each designer. Actually they are not as similar as the two above. But they are still noteworthy. First is a group of early Lenora Dame pins when they were available on are below.

Lenora Dame pins

Another rare example of Liz Palacios pins that I found on Jewellery Kaleidoscsope is below. It is probably the most outstanding of all the post flower power pins. It is absolutely magnificent.

Liz Palacios brooch -JK

Liz Palacios brooch
A Liz Palacios floral brooch found on Poshmark

A Reminder to Collectors These flower pins are some of the most magnificent I've ever seen. But remember, they are not flower power pins. By definition these brooches have much more latitude in design and construction. This does not mean that there are not flower power pins that are also quite attractive. But they are by definition limited in what they can include.

Sources and Resources
Flower Power Descendants
Lenora Dame Studio
Lenora Dame Studio Website
Lenora Dame Designer Spotlight
Liz Palacios on Hispanic Executive
Liz Palacios on Regencies
Liz Palacios Turquoise Brooch
Liz Palacios Brown and Gold Brooch

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