Continuing My New Project with Fantastic fungi resources is an additional blog post to Starting A New Project. This second post is structured to provide source material.
Therefore, it is geared more for the beginner rather than the experienced mushroom enthusiast. Because there is so much to learn, patience is vital. There is an especially crucial reason for proceeding with caution.
Why to Proceed with Caution
The reason for this expanded introduction with non-experiential facts is due to the fact that there are poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, spontaneous activity as an uneducated forager must be avoided. In other words, sufficient guidance, training, and information must be obtained first to proceed safely before experiencing the ‘fruit of the mycelium’.
Non-Experiential Facts
For this reason, this post and others provide non-experiential aspects of fantastic fungi facts. As a result, they will be filled with source material for safe passage. To begin, it helps to read Starting A New Project first.
But reading Starting A New Project is not necessary to benefit from the data in this post, Continuing My New Project. This is part of a safe passage on my journey into the world of fantastic fungi.
Information and experiences that other mushroom lovers have are recorded on numerous mushroom facebook groups. Although many of them must not be taken as gospel, they are a good peer review place to explore. Six facebook groups follow.
NY Mushroom Hunters “Hello my fellow mushroom foragers! I created this group in order to keep each other posted on the status of the NY mushroom hunt. I’d love to see this group grow as new members join and contribute with updates on their own hunts. I hope to use this as a tool for us NY’ers to keep each other informed as to whether the mushrooms are up or not.
“We can lean on each other for support on those dry years and post pictures of our hauls on good days. Feel free to post ID requests on this page for any species but please DO NOT purposefully give someone a false ID as this can put someones life at risk. Doing so will result in a permanent ban. I ask everyone to be respectful. Other than that, have fun and welcome to the NY Mushroom Hunters Group!”

The Shroomery “We are here to help with any information regarding mycology, cultivation and identification. . . . This is an unofficial group run by fans and members of the Shroomery, for people interested in the cultivation or identification of mushrooms. Please visit to get the authentic experience.”

Urban Mushroom Growing (MW) “Remember, Love Your Mushroom & Mushroom Love You*”

Mushroom Growing for Beginners and Experts “This group is for people who want to learn to grow mushrooms. From the hobbyist, to small scale and large scale cultivation and production. Feel free to also post anything else mushroom related such as: Cooking Recipes, Pictures of wild mushrooms and pretty much anything.
“It is ok to post for mushroom identification but please make sure to take many pictures top bottom , underneath and so on … also give as much info as possible such as your location where and what its growing on and anything else possible … Also keep in mind there are other groups specifically made for mushroom identification which will have more experts with a better chance of finding the correct identification .. Do not rely on this group (or any) for a 100% positive identification.”
