Why Companies and Individuals Rebrand
Over the years, rebranding has been a necessity for me as I have had numerous entrepreneurial projects, some at the same time and others at different times. It has been crucial that each looks not only like what it is but that it is different from another project. Rebranding involves primarily two distinct elements, visual and verbal. In other words, a rebrand will include changes in words, the name of a company, its tagline and mission. Equally important is the visual change, a new logo, a different color scheme and typefaces. These ideally have the feel or spirit of what the company or project itself is about. The sampler of some of my business Google+ pages illustrate these points.

I have rebranded myself as many times as I have changed entrepreneurial projects. That includes more times than I can provide examples, here. Now, as an officially retired person, I still need a new brand. The reason for that is because I have reached the point where I am my brand. I have become something of a media personality. My ‘product’ is me. My brand is myself.
Examples of Rebranding: ALISON D. GILBERT
Facebook pages are a clear way to understand the differences in my brands. This Facebook page has a photo of me as the icon. It clearly shows whose page this is. My last project ART & BYTES has a very different brand, visually and verbally. Take a look at it below.

Examples of Rebranding: ART & BYTES
The above Facebook page has a totally different brand. It starts with the color scheme. Light blue rather than yellow is the primary color. The typeface is totally different. The icon is an ‘&’ playing on and emphasizing the name, ART & BYTES. The challenge of creating the ART & BYTES brand was that this project was a combination of all my previous work. It was designed as an archive of all my work in MARKETING BYTES and ALISON*S ART. This my goal was to create a brand that would combine both and yet maintain its own identity.
Examples of Rebranding: MARKETING BYTES
MARKETING BYTES came right before ART & BYTES. Below is a sample of one of its social media headers, the blog post header. Notice there is another icon, a different typeface and a different image of me. There is some similarity to the color scheme of ART & BYTES. But the two brands clearly are different.

Examples of Rebranding: ALISON*S ART, INC.
The last example of one of my brands is from a project of Alison’s Art, Inc. It was Decorative Painting. Below is a facebook page from that enterprise. The icon is quite complex. It has unique colors, shapes, images, type and is totally distinguishable from all the others. In fact the oval pattern was the original Alison*s Art logo that became the foundation for all my art projects. Decorative Painting was one of those projects.

Rebranding Conclusion
I would like to demonstrate the distinction between several of my brand by exhibiting both photo and logo icons. Clearly each is distinct. But at the same time there may be some similarity having been created by the same hand and a singular design sensibility, mine. At the same time, I think there is enough uniqueness to clearly demonstrates rebranding several of my projects.