What Are Extreme Credit Card Benefits?
Before extreme credit card benefits can become a consideration for someone in The Former Middle Class, two things need to be explained. The first is that one must be thoroughly versed in The Principles of Good Credit Card Hygiene. Even if someone has a history of medicore credit, the credit score must become very good to excellent. ‘One Must Learn to Walk Before One Can Run’.
In contrast, there are people who can achieve even more extraordinary benefits than those of us who are part of The Former Middle Class can. That is because they have the funds to spend from the start. For example, one of the super benefits credit cards requires an expense of thousands of dollars to receive a heftier signup bonus. But in my case, I had started using credit cards with monthly bonuses to add a small amounts of cash to my retired, minimal fixed income.

How Someone from The Former Middle Class Can Obtain Extreme Benefits
During the time I was getting this kind of ordinary cash bonus of between 1% and 3%, I developed the need to acquire a travel point credit card offering both a cash rewards bonus and travel miles. That was when I became aware of the extreme benefits I could receive separate and apart from using credit cards the way I had been. The fact that both my husband and I had credit scores hovering around 800 helped tremendously to move into this new level credit card benefits, the sign up promotion.

Your Credit Score
As explained in the last blog post, a very good to excellent credit score is one of the most important aspects of qualifying for extreme credit card benefits. But let’s go back a step to when credit cards had cash rewards that paid out in increments of a minimum of $25. It was not difficult to earn about $40 over a two month period. But that is not extreme credit card benefits and I needed extreme benefits.
What Extreme Credit Card Benefits Involve
Extreme credit card benefits involve more than just getting monthly cash rewards or travel points. They require additional incentives from the credit card company to get someone to apply for a particular credit card. So that is exactly what the credit card companies started doing. They began to offer either large sign up cash or travel points promotions or both when a certain amount of money was charged by the customer in a given amount of time. The cash usually ranges between $100 and $200. Payment occurs after $500 or $1000 in charges. The period of time to make the charges is usually 3 months.
People who are solidly middle class can make a lot more cash back. But if one compares the percent of return rather than the cash itself, someone in The Former Middle Class can match and even outrank the returns that the Middle Class and above can. In one situation, I got a 40% sign up promotion cash bonus! I only had to spend $500 over a three month period. So $200 cash back from $500 spent is a 40% return. This is definitely Mastering The System of Extreme Credit Card Benefits.

Qualifying For Extreme Credit Card Benefits Cards
We know that the first and most important thing is to achieve and maintain very good to excellent credit. The next thing is to apply for such a card after you have paid your balance in full and have zero debt. Lastly, it is important not to apply for too many credit cards in a short amount of time. Straight forward? So it would seem. But it can get complicated and time consuming requiring a actual bookkeeping system to stay on top of things. This will be discussed in a future post. This is the system of tools that I use to keep track of my extreme credit cards benefits card accounts.
In Conclusion
It can become very enticing to continue to apply for and collect extreme credit card benefits cards. They offer a one time promotion that is a lot more than regular cash rewards or travel points. But one must proceed with caution by keeping diligent track of all of one’s accounts as the number of the hot credit cards in one’s possession increases. If a person accumulates a large number of these cards, it can become a job just keeping track of everything. Obtaining these cards can be a way to earn some extra non taxable income for The Former Middle Class person. But at the same time, unless it is a real necessity, it is easier to have a few top notch cards that offer cash back and are “tied to a travel program like an airline or a hotel”. According to Jim Wang of WalletHacks, they offer the best bonuses.
Sources and Resources
The Former Middle Class
Wallet Hacks, Best Credit Card Promotions
Using Credit Cards for Survival and Profit
The Principles of Good Credit Card Hygiene
Mastering The System of Extreme Credit Card Benefits
The Credit Card Maven
Savvy Saving Survivalism