There is a unique trend in decorative pins known as POP Art Flower Power Pins. Not only are these rarities far from the original petal layer flower power pin in design and structure. But they are also for the most part priced way beyond any of the Division One flower power pins for casual collectors. I have encountered this type of pin only online and at ten to twenty times the price of most affordable collector flower power pins.
Since these unique pins have only a vague resemblance to their predecessors, they are clearly not close relatives to the original flower power pins. But as a fascinated collector such as myself, I can not exclude them from the mysterious history of flower power pins. In fact they have what seems to be their own name as well as description, POP Art Flower Power Pins.
To me these pins are impressions or expressions of actual flower power pins. In other words, they suggest their predecessors. There are others that do this as well. Here are another two below.
It appears that a second mystery is created here. The fist mystery is the history of the original flower power pins. And now, these avante garde expressions of the original pins are as much of a mystery as their ancestors. Specifically, they are without designer identification, country of origin, or place of manufacture. Actually this does not come as a great surprise since their manufacture date is the 1960s as well.
But I love them and wish their was a way that I could come to possess one of these unique POP art flower pins
Although not the most expensive of these rare treasures, the tuxedo pin is stunning. It is appropriately called 'tuxedo' because it has the glamour and sophistication of a tuxedo outfit. I would gladly accept this pin for this category of POP Art flower power pin.
The only thing is that one can only wonder what merits the extraordinary price of most POP Art Flower Power pins. This brings to mind the following questions.
Are they in any museums? Not to my knowledge. Are they made of precious metal or semi-precious stones. Again, not to me knowledge.
Since they are not made of any precious metals or stones, what makes these so costly? I believe that it is their uniqueness and the outright outrageousness of their designs. In other words, it is their POP Art interpretation of a flower power pin that does it.
Division One Flower Power Pins