Phil Collins – Take me home live
I spend a great deal of time curating very serious topics and issues. Sometimes it becomes very depressing. What is the anti-dote for this? I decided it is to make a joyful noise in the world, now.
So today’s blog post is about fun, whimsical, joyful things I like to do on social media. I did not even realize how much I needing this healing medicine to soothe the pain of life and the misery in the world. But a new facebook group, called Best World Music woke me up and got me smiling. Not everyone posts music I know or like. It doesn’t matter. I learn about new songs and groups from all over the world, thanks to Sasa Dobrijevic, it’s founder and contributing member, from Serbia.

I have also had the opportunity to focus on something that gives me enormous joy, music itself. I rarely listen to music. My wonderful Bose Radio/CD player is about 20 years old. It skips, the CDs often do not play and there is not a single radio station that I enjoy listening to for very long. Thanks to Best World Music, the famine is over. I can listen to other peoples suggested music, post my favorites and listen to them. In addition, I am making new friends from this group. We all share a happy common interest.

Another of my passions is architectural history. One of my favorite periods is The Gilded Age and the stories of the people and Mansions of the Gilded Age.

Thanks again to another existing facebook friend, Michael Carl Tanner, and several new friends I am having great fun walking down memory lane and discovering all kinds of new architectural and social wonders of the period.

Then there is my piece de resistance, purple food. Yes it does exist and this specific kind is from a yam native to the Philipines. It is known as ube. I had discovered ube in powder form in an Asian Market. I love to explore and try things I have never seen before. The powder sat in my cabinet for sometime. But when I finally got around to concocting my own version of the package recipe, I devoured the entire thing. I sought an expert, Jun Belen on this magnificent purple food. Much to my delight he had an entire blog post with photos of my beloved ube desserts.
1 Comment
I will just give you a smile 🙂