Flower Pin Creation: Structure and Decoration


flower pin creation
A black and yellow flower pin composed of two petal layers with polka dots on the black petals.

There are two components in flower pin creation. They are, in fact, the flower pin structure itself and then the flower pin decoration afterwards.

For the purposes of defining the first aspect of flower pins, in other words the structure, there are one layer, two layer first, then three, four, and five petal layers next. The top three are usually embellishment layers without any structural function.

A further refinement of the decoration process is one or a combination of enamel spray, paint brush, polka dots, and embellishment layers. Descriptions of both components, structure and decoration are in this post.
The basic flower power pin found on ebay and etsy is a one petal layer flower with petal spray in one color and the center in another color spray. Then the stem is green and tends to rub off over the years.


Primarily the pins are molded steel, not your typical metal for jewelry making. Molded steel is inexpensive and easy to use. During the time period that the pin creation is voluminous and very inexpensive, the molded steel pins are easily cranked out with a simple spray application of enamel paint consisting of one or at most two colors. The giant daisy pins are an outstanding example of this.

Two layer complimenting petal colors of the very popular, giant daisy pin found on ebay


The earliest pins are simple sprayed enamel. But as time goes on and the pins become more decorative and less socio-political, both the structure and decoration become both more complicated and more expensive. In addition there are more layers or the two layers have decoration.

Polka Dots In fact, polka dots liberally come in to play in flower pin creation. WOW, how popular polka dots are. Actually, polka dots play a major design role in all kinds of fashions.

polka dot pins A collection of six polka dot decorated pins

Embellishment Layers To top this off, the extra embellishment layers create quite stunning pins. These usually third, fourth, and fifth layers are embellishment layers with no structural purpose at all but plenty of decorative appeal. The addition to base enamel spray are possible wisps of brush strokes, more layers of petals, hole punches in the outer layer and other adornment at the center to finish it off.

flower-pin-creation A collection of six, three and four layer embellished flower pins


The flower power pin is still both abundant and very popular today. Unfortunately, the major difference is the price. They are no longer socio-political hand outs but pricey collectibles. In fact, I gingerly collect them as I have to save up to purchase them.

Lenore Dame Metal Flower Brooch in Gold & Violet – One-of-a-Kind
And my newest purchase is what I believe to be a relative to the embellished flower power pin. It is in fact this three layer magnificent pin. You can learn more about these magnificent brooches at these links.

The Lenora Dame Jewelry Studio

Early Lenora Dame Brooches May Be Flower Power Pin Direct Descendants




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My Next Flower Pin Purchase


An original one layer petal flower power pin

My next flower pin purchase requires that I have a plan to help me decide what I choose before I take any further action related to flower power pins or other similar jewelry. In fact, the best way for me to do this is to take an inventory of my current collection including others pins that I would like in my collection.

In order to do this I am using a system like the Dewey Decimal System. It will allow me to organize both sets of pins. Since there are so many of them in existence, there is no way I could accomplish this task without it. Therefore it can include pins I have and pins I would like to have.

1A. Original one layer flower power earrings without stems and three pins with stems

next-flower-pin-purchase Earrings without stems and three one layer original pins with stems

1B. Diversified one layer flower power pins with stems

next-flower-pin-purchaseThe above FPP styles all found on ebay are what I consider diversified not classic FPP.

Actually some of these unusual styles are my favorites. In order to learn more about them, go to this link, Flower Power Jewelry Rocks

2A. Original colorful giant two layer pins with and without stem

2L giant daisies A collection of two layer giant daisy pins with and without stem from ebay

2B. Diversified two layer pins

Two layer diversified pin with and without stem

3A. Embellished three and four layer flower pins

next-flower-pin-purchase Three and four layer embellished flower power pins

4A. Signed pieces as a transition from three and four layer embellished flower power pins

These three sets of pins transcend flower power pins primarily because they are signed and not anonymous.

5A. More About my possible next flower pin purchase


It takes no more than a quick glance at all the pins above to know which ones I would like to get. Because they have become rather expensive compared to their original prices, I do not know how long it will take to get my next flower pin purchase. None the less these are the ones I would choose:
1B. middle pin
2B. left pin
3A. all three
4A. right pin or another early Lenora Dame Studio pin
5A. two right pins

What will it be? A One-of-a-Kind Lenore Dame Metal Flower Brooch in Gold & Violet

I made my decision and I am counting the days until my pin arrives. It is an early Lenora Dame Studio brooch. In fact, the colors are magnificent. Because of this I wanted it from the very first time I saw a picture of it. At first I thought I had found a very special flower power pin. But I realized it was not because I recognized certain details that are different from the flower power pin. To learn more, go to flower power pins.


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