My next flower pin purchase requires that I have a plan to help me decide what I choose before I take any further action related to flower power pins or other similar jewelry. In fact, the best way for me to do this is to take an inventory of my current collection including others pins that I would like in my collection.
In order to do this I am using a system like the Dewey Decimal System. It will allow me to organize both sets of pins. Since there are so many of them in existence, there is no way I could accomplish this task without it. Therefore it can include pins I have and pins I would like to have.
1A. Original one layer flower power earrings without stems and three pins with stems
Earrings without stems and three one layer original pins with stems
1B. Diversified one layer flower power pins with stems
The above FPP styles all found on ebay are what I consider diversified not classic FPP.
Actually some of these unusual styles are my favorites. In order to learn more about them, go to this link, Flower Power Jewelry Rocks
2A. Original colorful giant two layer pins with and without stem
A collection of two layer giant daisy pins with and without stem from ebay
2B. Diversified two layer pins
3A. Embellished three and four layer flower pins
Three and four layer embellished flower power pins